This has been a year of lost jobs, lockdowns, and a lot of stress. The Christmas season can also be stressful without everything else going on. I’ve compiled a list of small cool affordable gifts you can give to your friends or family, or even yourself.
I’m going to break this up into categories to make it easier. There will be His, Hers, Home, and Health things. I left out kids because I think they’re fairly easy to shop for if you know what they are interested in. These will be my top five favorites and I’m going for fun and unexpected kind of gifts.
Most of these gifts can be found on Etsy because supporting the small business during this time is so important. I feel like when you buy from a small business, you also have the added good feeling of knowing that you’re helping someone to pay their bills and reach their goals.

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
1.) Think Outside the Box Men’s Gift: If your guy is anything like mine, he might love showers but need encouragement to take a nice long bath. Being at home all the time with a lot of stress, might me he will be open to trying new things. This box has shower melts (to ease him into being pampered), activated charcoal soap (so he can get clean while feeling dirty), A Pacific Mist Sugar scrub, A healing salve (perfect for those dry cracked hands that have been shoveling snow all day?), and some bath salts. You can get this box at Herbs & Soil on Etsy!

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
2.) The Bush Craft Boxed Set: Maybe being stuck indoors so much has your man hearing the call of the wild. If so, he may really love these books that will show him how to trapping, gathering, and cooking, as well as some first aid. You can get the Bush Craft 101 book by itself, but this box set has all three and is pretty reasonably priced HERE on Amazon.

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
3.) His very Own Fireplace: It can be hard to go camping especially during the winter. If your man craves looking into the flames on a chilly night, or making some S’mores with the family, then this will sure to make his day (or night). You can find this on Etsy at 1Man1Garage.

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
4.) For the Chef in Your Life: Binge watching The Great British Baking show can have detrimental effects, such as your man wanting to become the next Paul Hollywood. If you find yourself in this position, don’t fight it, just enjoy the carbs and get him a gorgeous rolling pin from Fine Wine Caddy on Etsy.

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
5.) Do your Own Gin: 2020 has been an extremely difficult year and a lot of us have found comfort in a little drink at the end of a stressful day. There’s no reason to be sloppy about it though! This cool drink set will allow you to infuse your gin into something really special and make a time of winding down a bit more refined than plopping down with a beer (not that there is anything wrong with that). To get this kit head to DoYourGin on Etsy!

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
1.) Spa Day For Her: Women can feel like they’re in for double (if not triple and quadrupal) duty with all that’s going on, plus kids and balancing everything. You’re going to be a real hero if you get her this awesome spa gift basket and then take some of those stresses off of her for a bit. This was a great gift set by LynwoodCandleCompany on Etsy!

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
2.) A Custom Wooden Recipe Binder: I am secretly lusting after these gorgeous wooden recipe binders! As someone who cooks often, it’s nice to have a recipe book of go-to recipes you know you love. The fact that this is a binder means you can easily add new recipes, or even cutting recipes out of magazines to insert into this book! You can customize the message, the design around the message and the color of the wood for this one! You can check it out at Decorweddingfind on Etsy.

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
3.) Self-Care Tea Sampler: It’s so important to stay hydrated especially in the winter when even the air is dry. These teas not only taste great, but they also have specific uses whether that be to brighten the skin, or to relax after a tough day. I love how they come in their own little tins! You can find this sampler from PurposeDesign on Etsy.

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
4.) Jewelry: There are a lot of beautiful pieces of jewelry on Etsy and a lot of talented Jewelers. My favorite store hands down has to be Apocketofposies. She makes such natural and elegant looking pieces. I love all of them, and I’m sure that if you have someone on your mind who wants to embrace her feminine elegance, then this is the place. Her shop can be found HERE.

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
5.) A Shower Wine Glass Holder: Don’t laugh. This is not a joke. I actually have one of these and let me tell you. It’s so luxurious to pour some wine, and a bath and have both at the same time. Seriously nothing is nicer than a nice cold glass of Shiraz and a steamy hot bath. Having this holder means I don’t have to worry about it tipping over on the floor, and I have my hands free to read a book or chill out on my phone. If your lady loves wine, she’ll love this. You can find it from WoodbineTradingCo on Etsy.

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
1.) 1 Gallon Water Bottle: One thing I changed this year was to try to drink a gallon of water a day. With my small water bottle, I had to keep refilling it, and I’d lose track of how much I actually drank. This water bottle is to be filled once, and it even has little motivational words to encourage you to finish! It comes in many colors and you can find it HERE on Amazon!

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
2.) Imprint Cumulus9 Floor Mat: This isn’t the most glamorous gift on the list but man is it useful! Working from home and then living at home might mean you’re cooking more and on your feet more. I’m a blogger, but that doesn’t mean that my feet don’t get sore when cooking and cleaning in the kitchen. Actually, on days I’m making Cooking YouTube Videos, I’m on my feet A LOT and they DO HURT!!! My husband bought two of these mats for our kitchen and it has been an honest godsend. You can find it here on Amazon.

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
3.) At Home Mini Bar: Two years ago I made this at home mini bar from a mini-fridge and a shower caddy. You can read all about it HERE. It was a nice addition to our home because it kept our alcohol organized, as well as elegant looking. If you’re looking to upgrade your home and make it comfortable during Covid, this is an easy thing to do.

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
4.) Adopt a pet: If you’re only able to get one gift this year, why not invest in a life. There are tons of shelters with a lot of pets looking for good homes. If you find that Covid has left you feeling alone and isolated, getting a dog or a cat might help ease that. P.S. This is my cat Moto. He’s a lot of trouble, but we love him and he has certainly made lockdowns a lot of fun.

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by
5.) Get a Fitbit!: Honestly, they’ve come so far. I use mine to track EVERYTHING. I’m not joking. I was able to show my husband that I in fact have insomnia (because I track my sleep). I was able to show the doctor the other day that hospitals give me anxiety (by showing them a graph of my heart rate on my phone which they loved), I track my cycle, my steps, miles I’ve walked, floors I’ve walked, days I workout, days I meditate, how many calories I burn, my water intake, the foods I eat, and last but not least, my weight. All this with a phone and a bracelet I wear that also shows me the time and links to my google calendar to notify me of events, text messages, and emails. I’ve had a Jawbone in the past and it was constantly breaking and customer support was pretty rude. While the Fitbit is more expensive, I rarely have problems with it, and the customer support is really active and kind. If you buy this as a gift for someone you’re doing it right, because January is just around the corner, and with that comes health goals! You can check them out HERE.
1.) Anything from the Autumn Becomes Me Shop!: As a small business owner myself, it’s not surprising that I’m going ot self promote. I make everything you see in the shop by hand. I have a few different items, but I really enjoy making Mala necklaces which are great to wear or hold while meditating. So if you want to help support this blog or me as a small business owner, check out my shop HERE! Thanks!
I hope this post made you think a little about some useful gifts that will help the stay at home be more enjoyable. Remember Christmas is never about the gifts. It’s about the effort put forth to say you care about someone. If you enjoyed this post and would like to be informed of future posts please SIGN UP HERE. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day! -Heather Astaneh

Cool Gifts for Christmas During Covid by