It’s time for the Five Fabulous Finds for September. I read a lot and when I find something interesting I make note of it. At the end of the month I like to pick my top five favorite articles and post them here. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes interesting, or dark and spooky, but I hope in all cases you find them as interesting as I have!

Five Fabulous Finds for September by
1.) The Artists Eye: Growing up with artists, and knowing from a very young age that I too wanted to be an artist I always wondered if being creative was something you were born with, or if it was developed. In THIS ARTICLE I read how People with Creative Personalities actually do see the world a little differently than people who are not as creative.

Five Fabulous Finds for September by
2.) Fall is For Falling in Love: I met my husband in high school. For weeks he waved at me as we passed in the halls to our classes. Eventually, we started talking and officially started dating on my birthday October 2nd. So for me, fall smells make me think of our dating years. This is not uncommon apparently, according to THIS ARTICLE by Newsweek.

Five Fabulous Finds for September by
3.) Fall Fashion: I get excited seeing the new colors and fashions for the fall season. The thoughts of big sweaters, boots, coats, and tons of fun accessories like scarves and gloves brings a warm feeling to my heart. The fashion choices this year are not too surprisingly influenced by the pandemic and how that has left people feeling emotional, but the outfits are still absolutely gorgeous. You can check them out HERE.

Five Fabulous Finds for September by
4.) STOP Trying to be Happy!: If you are feeling that the only answer you want to know for your life is “HOW CAN I JUST BE HAPPY?” You NEED to read this article. It’s not about giving up being happy, or being optimistic, or replacing happiness with pleasure. I won’t give away the article which you can READ HERE, but the article changed the way I looked at “just wanting to be happy”.

Five Fabulous Finds for September by
5.) Life Lessons from a 97-Year-Old Lobsterman: When I was little my mother use to take to a retirement home to meet a woman named Miss Basey. She was one of 19 children, and had to name herself because her mother had “run out of names to give her children”. Miss Basey (miss was actually part of her name) was over 100 years old (103 I think). She was so nice and her stories were so interesting it really helped me see the value of the life experiences the elderly have. So it’s no surprise that THIS ARTICLE really spoke to me and was important to be on this list.
I hope you liked these 5 articles and that they brought some value to you by either entertaining, or perhaps changing how you think about love, happiness, or the elderly. If you would like to be notified of future posts please be sure to SIGN UP HERE. Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day. -Heather Astaneh

Five Fabulous Finds for September by